Friday, May 6, 2011

Captured bodies, Seeking Refuge ...

This Poem is dedicated to Palestinian children arbitrarily detained in Israeli prisons. And to those that continue to live in confined compounded places, in restricted lands, and torn refugee camps; at home and internally exiled simultaneously.

Rubbles of dust carried between the boys feet,

rushing through narrow side streets

hitting his shoulders between the pavement walls,

scrapping the surfaces of his skin as he flees.

His body no longer holds control over him,

heels barely touch the muddy terrains

of this camp... cramped, tight, moving bodies

carried in the square parameters of their homes ...

permanently waiting,

temporarily en route,

in exile from the soils of their great-grand-mothers...

Hushing through the violent breaths

clouding his lungs, grueling in pain with every inhale,

his blackened face hides between

his bleeding knees that sting with every tear

dripping on the surface...

Like a bullet shot that tears the ear drums sound beat,

he jumps, in a flash, jetting to the next dark corner

providing haven,

giving shade,

temporarily frozen to gasp another breath,

terrified of his predestined conclusion...

he shuts his eyes, tightly gripping to the loose sands beneath him..

Silently motionless, body no longer sensing any pain..

his mind takes him afar, suppressed from this dark corner,

the light no longer hits his eyes to the conscious realities of now,

his cold body journey’s his soul to a new dimension concealed in space..

As he awakens from the subliminal uncounted lost moments of what was,

he is blinded by the flashing lights exposing

his lifeless body, to surrounding gates of steel..

surrounding him in every corner... right and left..

no where to turn, he stares mindlessly forward,

uttering no sound,

au fait to what awaits

the next act in this story line,

holding cue to the next scene,

holding his tongue to the voices

of the imprisoned character that stands still in him..

Without notice, he begins to feel again,

the slashes that sting his back, splitting open

the screams muted in him..

his eyes no longer veiled by the dazzles of the flashes,

he stares coldly at a young soldier,

smirking, emotionless, cold, vacantly empty..

of the dark destinies that this child holds..

No longer fighting, he surrenders,

against the chains encapsulating his sore wrists,

his tears cease to flow,

against the shields that guarded his soul

his body is left uncovered,



dispensed to the darkness of the night..


  1. very nice i'm sure that every palestinian read this poem ,want to tell u : thank u and alhamdulellah enek falestiniah
